
Council of Albanian Ambassadors supports Marco Salihu’s candidacy for the European Parliament.


Tirana, 28 May 2024

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors fully supports Muharrem Marco Salihu’s candidacy for the European Parliament.

We are very proud that one of our distinguished members is running side by side with illustrious names of the Italian and European politics – such as Emma Bonino and Matteo Renzi – to the European Parliament

Marco embodies the European values and aspirations of Albanians, as well as their contributions to the European family. With his extensive and distinguished experience as a very successful entrepreneur, he has consistently demonstrated a profound commitment in support and progress of the socio-economic conditions of his beloved compatriots in the Preshevo Valley.

We urge everyone, especially Albanians living in the northeast Italy, to support his candidacy for a better future for them and their children.

We strongly believe his voice in Brussels will serve to the advancing the integration of Albanians in Italy and the whole Europe.