
Summit of the Berlin Process in Tirana.


Tirana, October 17, 2023,

European leaders and the highest representatives of the countries of the region gathered yesterday in Tirana, where the Berlin Process Summit was held for the first time.

This Summit comes to life at a key moment for the region and the relations between the parties and gives a strong message for supporting the European aspiration of our countries through economic cooperation and the advancement of reforms.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is in full support of this historic process for the countries of the region, which prepares the aspirant countries to be part of the common market, passing through the challenges of creating the regional market.

We encourage all institutions in Albania to respond to the pace of necessary reforms as a necessary condition for benefiting from aid and accelerating the EU membership process to bring the Albanian economy closer to European standards and to be ready for the country’s membership in the EU based on merit.

Also, the Council of Albanian Ambassadors welcomes the selection of Tirana as the location center of the College of Europe, bringing a new experience in the academic field and in building the generations that will lead tomorrow’s Europe.

The Berlin process is a good opportunity for all the countries of the Western Balkans to move faster towards EU membership, using this important accession instrument efficiently.