Tirane, 25 March 2020
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors salutes warmly the political decision of 24 March 2020 by the EU Council of General Affairs on the opening of accession negotiations with Albania.
This positive decision is a reconfirmation of Albania’s clear European perspective accompanied with the financial support to overcome the hard situation caused by COVID – 19: it is also a telling example of the inextricably close relations between the EU and Albania.
On this occasion, the CAA extends its best thanks to all the EU Member States, to the European Commission and Parliament for this staunch support and solidarity with the Albanian people during these challenging times for the mankind.
Together with the best congratulations for this achievement, the CAA appeals to the Albanian political establishment that, on the basis of this encouraging decision, to build up without delay the necessary consensus on a common national platform on the EU accession.
Likewise, the CAA invites all domestic political and non- political actors and factors to promote and work together on drafting a quick, concrete and comprehensive agenda for the fastest possible implementation of all relevant conditions, thus, to pave the way to the quickest possible start of the negotiations on the respective chapters.
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