
Statement by the Council of Albanian Ambassadors on the terrorist acts of Serb bands in village Banjske of Leposaviq against Kosovo Police


Tirana, 24 September 2023

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors ( CAA) condemns very forcefully the latest terrorist attack perpetrated by Serb bandits, which have caused until now the death of one Kosovo policeman and the injury of another.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is fully convinced that the Serb bands are orchestrated and armed by Belgrade and that this was an expected terrorist assault. 

With these war-mongering and destabilizing acts, Serbia is putting the region in an instable and in an unforseeable situation, whose effects maybe very serious not only for Kosovo and Serbia, but for the whole region and they could undermine all projects to achieve peace in the region.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors invites the institutons of the Republic of Kosovo that in cooperation with KFOR and the international factor to undertake the necessary actions to fully investigate this situation and bring to justice the perpetrators and those responsible  for this very serious terrorist act.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors holds that the preservation of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo and the establishment of the state legitimacy all over its territory has no alternative. 

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors calls on the international factor to stop “petting” and tolerance vis à vis Vuçic ambigious policies and to intervene as soon as possible to the Serb institutions and make them to stop these war-mongering acts, preceeded by open supportive actions for the bands of Serb organized crime in the north of Kosovo, which would spark a new war with unforeseeable proportions in our region and beyond.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors extends its deepest condolences to the family of the policeman that lost his life and a quick recovery for the injured colleague.

During these hard moments, the CAA stands on the side of the people and institutions of the Republic of Kosovo; it will be in ongoing contacts with our international allies and partners to tell in real terms the truth of what is happening in Kosovo!