
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors Received in a Working Luncheon the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Tirane, H.E.Mr. Zhou Ding.


Tirane, 21 February 2020

In a friendly and professional atmosphere, we exchanged ideas and assessed the relations between the two countries, with particular emphasis laid on the need for their intensification, in harmony with the understanding of Albania’s political line on China.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors highlighted the need of encouraging the Albanian Government to dimension its relations with China in all fields of interests, in order to respond in the most possible concrete terms with competing projects in the context of major economic initiatives of mutual benefit.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors asked Ambassador Zhou to forward to Peking the repeated demand for the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state; given China’s importance as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, this would be a gesture that could help other recognition.

Ambassador Ding pointed to the enthusiastic supportive messages from the International Donors’ Conference in Brussels and reconfirmed the will of the Chinese Government to support Albania in overcoming the effects from the Earthquake as soon as possible.

Likewise, Ambassador Zhou commended the diplomatic experience and performance of the Council of Albanian Ambassadors, considering it not only as an asset for the Albanian diplomacy, but also as a significant diplomatic reference in his mission.