
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors welcomes today’s decision by the European Parliament on liberalization of visas for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.


Tirana, 18 April 2023

From the 1st of January 2024, the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo may move freely in Europe!

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors ( CAA) welcomes today’s Decision by the European Parliament, which finally paves the way to the LIBERALIZATION of Visas for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo!

The liberalization of visas will enable the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo to travel freely, as of the 1st of January 2024, in what is known as the Schengen Area, which includes 27 European states.

This in fact belated decision by the EU is an historic event for the state of Kosovo, its people and institutions, which made possible the compliance with all political and technical conditions established by the EU Commission.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors takes this opportunity to congratulate all the institutions in the Republic of Kosovo involved in this process for their untiring and professional work in meeting the required criteria and benchmarks.

A special gratitude goes to Mrs. Viola Von Cramon, the Rapporteur for Kosovo in the EU Parliament, foer her tireless work and commitment in attaining this goal, which is mportant, both for Kosovo and the EU.

The CAA expresses its confidence that the freedom of movement, as a fundamental and more than deserved right of Kosovo citizens, the direct exchanges and contacts among citizens, business people, scientists, men of letters and culture will serve Kosovo’s socio-economic consolidation, the further promotion of education, science and culture, Kosovo’s image and promotion in Europe and beyond. Accordingly, it would also serve the strengthening of peace, stability and security in our region.

We wish further successes to Kosovo in its path of Euro – Atlantic integration!