Tirana, 7 June 2021
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors Received in a Working Luncheon Prof. David L. Philips, a Friend of Albanians and a good Reconnaisseur of the Balkans.
Today, we had the opportunity to exchange views on developments in Albania, Kosovo and in our region by and large as well as on the necessity of US increased commiment in strengthening peace, security and democratic progress in Western Balkans.
During this meeting, it was also emphasized the US significant role in consolidating democracy and the rule of law and in combattting corruption and organized crime in the region.
Currently, Professor Philips is Director of the Programme for Peace and Human Rights in the Columbia University in USA.
Previously, he has served as Senior Advisor to the US State Department during the Bush, Clinton and Obama Administrations ; he has also led the Western Balkans Task Force to the Foreign Relations Council.
Prof.Philips has also been Advisor to the Kosovo Government on its dialogue with Serbia, persisting on Kosovo’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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