
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors heartily congratulates the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo on the liberalization of visas and free movement in the countries of the European Union.


Tirana, January 4, 2024.

The year 2024 started well for the citizens of the Republic of Kosova, a year that began with the freedom of movement, a freedom unjustly denied for a long time.

As always, the citizens and institutions of the Republic of Kosova proved that, they do not give up the journey towards Euro-Atlantic integration, despite the many obstacles that arise during this journey.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is proud that the liberalization of EU visas for Kosovo citizens has been a priority on its own agenda. In all diplomatic meetings and in a large number of statements, CAA has argued and requested the liberalization of visas for the citizens of Kosovo as soon as possible.

The Republic of Kosova, an example of democracy for the entire region, a reality proven more and more every day, as well as its citizens, deserved free movement for a long time.

Council of Albanian Ambassadors estimates that the integration of the Republic of Kosovo in all international organizations and especially membership in NATO is the most important action that would ultimately ensure security in our region and beyond.

Congratulations Kosova!