
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors condemns the conflict-inciting language of Serbian President Vucic.


Tirana December 3, 2022

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is following with great concern the recent statements inciting conflict and the use of derogatory language by the President of Serbia, Aleksandër Vučić, towards the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Albin Kurti, the newly appointed Minister for Communities and Returnees of the Government of Kosovo, Mr. Nenad Rasić, and his associates of the Serbian community who do not agree with the politics of Serbia.

Such declarations, reminiscent of the vocabulary of hatred and inciting war of the Milosevic regime against Albanians, harm the efforts of the international community for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and consequently peace and security in the region.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors supports the actions of the Government of Kosovo to stabilize the situation and its commitment to a comprehensive agreement on the normalization of relations with Serbia, with the help of the European Union and the support of the USA.

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors calls on the western international factor to step up its efforts to achieve as soon as possible the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as not to tolerate the destabilizing actions of Vučić, who has already made it clear that he has not given up pro-Russian orientation, with the appointment to the head of the intelligence service of Serbia (BIA) of the notorious chauvinist and anti-Albanian Aleksandar Vulin.