Tirana, 25/03/2020
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is following attentively the developments in Kosovo in the recent days; they become even more sensitive in the context of the global Pandemic COVID – 19. This pandemic is one of the most challenging moments in the history of mankind.
The governments of the most developed countries of the world with enormous medical capacities and economic sources have been mobilized with all their might to protect their peoples’ health.
Accordingly, the political establishment and the state structures of the countries with limited sources and possibilities, as in Kosovo’s case, particularly during these moments, should not spend their energies with internal political debates. Moreover, when this could end up in institutional deadlocks or in leaving the country without an effective administration.
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors joins the statement made on 24 March 2020 by the embassies of the USA, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy and UK in Pristine and their concern on the need to observe the integrity and functionality of the government of Kosovo; likewise, it invites the entire political establishment in Kosovo to coordinate their energies in dealing with this crisis, attaching priority to the interest of the health of the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.
The threat of the virus spread – over and the subsequent effects that this situation could produce in the future maybe faced only by working together with all the institutions and by setting the appropriate climate for the citizens.
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors invites the leaders of Kosovo institutions to work closely with each other and the opposition, as well as to the advice with the representatives of the friendly states.
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