
Author: caaadmin

Council of Albanian Ambassadors is concerned about the budget reduction for the Albanian National Miniroty Council in the Presheva Valley.

Tirana, February 8, 2024. The Council of Albanian Ambassadors has continuously drawn attention to the violation of human rights, in particular to their legitimate rights as a minority and the extremely difficult situation in which the Albanians are in the Presheva Valley in Serbia. Finally, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, accordingly the Ministry […]

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The Council of Albanian Ambassadors welcomes the new resident Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Albania.

February 7, 2024. The Council of Albanian Ambassadors hosted in a welcome meeting the new resident Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Albania, His Excellency Mr. Anar Huseynov. The Council of Albanian Ambassadors congratulated the senior Azeri diplomat on the start of his mission as resident Ambassador in our country, wishing him as much […]

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The Council of Albanian Ambassadors congratulates Mr. Talat XHAFERI on his election as Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Tirana, January 29, 2024 From today, the Republic of North Macedonia will have an Albanian Prime Minister, the first in the modern history of this country. This historic moment is not a coincidence. Albanians in the region and especially in the Republic of North Macedonia have made titanic efforts for their legitimate rights. The contribution […]

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The Council of Albanian Ambassadors welcomes the new Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Albania.

January 25, 2024. The Council of Albanian Ambassadors organized a welcome lunch with the new Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Albania, Her Excellency Pang Chuxue, on the start of her diplomatic mission. The Council of Albanian Ambassadors congratulated the senior Chinese diplomat on the start of the mission in our country, wishing […]

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Këshilli i Ambasadorëve Shqiptarë


Tirana, January 22, 2024 The year 2023, was overloaded with news and events – some of them shocking – political, diplomatic and military, inherited and newly created all over the world. The most important are the continuation of Russian aggression in Ukraine, the EU’s efforts to expand towards the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova, tensions, […]

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The Council of Albanian Ambassadors heartily congratulates the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo on the liberalization of visas and free movement in the countries of the European Union.

Tirana, January 4, 2024. The year 2024 started well for the citizens of the Republic of Kosova, a year that began with the freedom of movement, a freedom unjustly denied for a long time. As always, the citizens and institutions of the Republic of Kosova proved that, they do not give up the journey towards […]

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CAA calls on the political factor in the Presheva Valley to participate in the elections of December 17, 2023 in Serbia.

Tirana, 15 December 2023. The Council of Albanian Ambassadors assesses that the development of the early parliamentary elections in Serbia, on December 17, 2023, is an important moment that needs appreciation by the Albanians in the Presheva Valley, Bujanovac and Medvegja. Discriminatory state policies by Serbian institutions are still present. Even in their visit to […]

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The Council of Albanian Ambassadors on the agreement between Albania and Italy for refugees.

Tirana November 15, 2023 The Council of Albanian Ambassadors assesses that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Italy and Albania for the landing and processing of asylum requests of refugees aiming for Italy or other countries of the European Union, has the character of a bilateral political document, within the framework of very good relations […]

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The board of the Council of Albanian Ambassadors had the pleasure to host the Charge d'Affairs of the USA Embassy in Tirana, Mr. David Wisner and Ms. Allison Dyess, Chief of Political and Economic Section

Council of Albanian Ambassadors hosted the Charge d’Affairs of the USA Embassy in Tirana, Mr. David Wisner.

Tirana, October 31st 2023 The board of the Council of Albanian Ambassadors had the pleasure to host the Charge d’Affairs of the USA Embassy in Tirana, Mr. David Wisner and Ms. Allison Dyess, Chief of Political and Economic Section, for an open and friendly exchange of views. We reiterated the importance of further deepening our […]

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Summit of the Berlin Process in Tirana.

Tirana, October 17, 2023, European leaders and the highest representatives of the countries of the region gathered yesterday in Tirana, where the Berlin Process Summit was held for the first time. This Summit comes to life at a key moment for the region and the relations between the parties and gives a strong message for […]

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