

Your frequently asked questions :

What was the goal in founding the Council of Albanian Ambassadors?
The goal of the Council of Albanian Ambassadors ( CAA) is to provide support in a new and professional form to the foreign policy of the Albanian state, solely on behalf of the interests of the Albanian nation.
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors will promote the image of Albania, its diplomacy and the Albanian nation in the international arena.
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors will follow up and analyze the most pressing issues, events and developments which are of interest for Albania in the region, in Europe and beyond, so that it could offer its assistance to the major institutions of Albanian state in upholding Albania’s interests  and its nation by providing relevant recommendations in a confidential and, depending on the case, in a public way as well.

Can CAA represent diplomats and offer legal protection in their legal cases?
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors will represent and protect the moral and legal rights of former career diplomats in compliance  with Albanian legislation and the relevant international conventions, in cooperation with the institution of the Presidency, Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania.

Will CAA have its own publications in official portals?
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors will have its own publications and it will take part with its member contributions in other publications, in keeping with Organization goals.
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors will have regular cooperation with its counterpart associations abroad, with political and diplomatic organizations where Albania is a party as well as with research or study institutions which have the similar goals of promoting the interests of Albania and Albanian nation.
Apart from its annual programs, the Council of Albanian Ambassadors will also host discussion panels on the most pressing issues on foreign policy and international relations. During these panels, beside the members of the organization, senior governmental and state officials or foreign ambassadors accredited in Albania maybe also invited to speak and exchange views and ideas.

Could CAA offer training courses on foreign policy for junior diplomats or consultancy for junior  state officials?
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is willing to offer expertise on voluntary basis as a consulting mechanism for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Parliamentary Committee, the Office of Prime Minister and the President of the Republic.
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors intends to organize training courses and sessions for Albania’s newly appointed ambassadors and for professional diplomats appointed in senior diplomatic posts abroad.

What is CAA ?
CAA – the Council of Albanian Ambassadors is a voluntary union of Albanian Ambassadors (not in office) who have served at least one term as Ambassador of the Republic of Albania.  The members of the Council of Albanian Ambassadors may be also former career diplomats, who have been directors for at least 5 ( five years) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as former foreign ministers.
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is a cross-party, non-political, independent and social organization.

What does CAA intend to do?
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors is also a non-profit organization which enables an all-inclusive approach for cooperation at the level of career diplomats who intend to support a more active and professional performance of Albanian diplomacy, in harmony with the highest international standards and requirements of the Albanian state.

Who may become CAA member?
CAA members may become Albanian ambassadors ( not in office) who during their career in foreign service have served at least one term as Ambassador of the Republic of Albania.
Members of the Council of Albanian Ambassadors maybe also former senior career diplomats with the grade Minister Counselor, who have been directors in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at least 5 ( five) consecutive years and former Foreign Ministers.

How can one may become member of CAA?
The membership application is submitted to the President of the Council or its Executive Director on behalf of the CAA Board of Directors with the relevant documentation attached.
The application will be reviewed in the Meeting of the General Assembly and it will be adopted with the majority of votes of the members present. After the admission, the new member is registered in the Organization register; he will benefit all the rights and undertake all obligations as a member of the Council.

What are the rights  for the members of the Council?
Each member of the Organization has the following rights:
– Attend the General Assembly meetings and other events;
– Leave the Organization on his own free will through a written notice submitted to the General Assembly;
Implement the Organization’s Statute and the decisions of the General Assembly;
Attend on regular basis the General Assembly meetings and vote in the decision making process;
Pay regularly the monthly/annual membership fee;
The members of the Organization are equal both in respect to their rights and obligations. Each member has the right to attend the General Assembly meetings and to express his own opinions freely. Each  member has the right to elect and be elected in the steering bodies of the Organization.

What are the funding sources for CAA?
The financing of CAA activity will be effected largely through  membership fees and possible CAA assets;
The CAA funding sources are: proceeds from economic activity of the Organization through services offered to  third parties;
Provision of donations, such as funds, grants, transparent donations by domestic and foreign private entities in line with the Organization’s goal as defined in its Statute and the Albanian legislation in force.
Donations and projects provided by local and central foreign governments, in compliance with Albanian legislation in force and the CAA Statute.
Donations and projects proposed by foreign counterparts and non-governmental organizations in compliance with Albanian legislation in force.

Which are the CAA steering bodies?
1. General Assembly
2. Board of Directors
3. President
4. Executive Director

How long is the term for the CAA President?
Five years with the right of re-election.

How long is  the term for the Executive Director?
Five years with the right of re-election.

How often does the General Assembly meet?
The General Assembly holds its meetings not less than twice a year, but even more often if it required by 1/5th  of its members or by the General Assembly.

What is the “ conflict of interests” and which relations are prohibited?
It is prohibited the conflict of interests between the non-profit organization and a member of the decision -making/ executive body and its employee.
Arrangements between the Organization and a member  of the steering bodies maybe permitted only if they relate to the attainment of a goal or target of the Organization’s activity and, in each case, following a decision by the Executive Council.
While examining a case  by the Executive Council, these members will be excluded from the discussion and voting process.
In cases of conflicts of interest, prohibited or already made arrangements  and in the cases of failure to observe the above-mentioned procedures, the Executive Council may nullify the said arrangement and demand  relevant  compensation.

What about employment procedures in CAA?
CAA employs for its own needs domestic and foreign individuals in accordance with the labor legislation in the Republic of Albania.
The employed personnel cannot take part in the Organization’s decision making bodies.
The employer’s role is played by the Executive Director; he makes the contract based on the Organization’s criteria and the provisions of the Labor Code.

How can a member be expelled from CAA?
The General Assembly reserves the right to expel a member when:
– His/her activity runs contrary to the law, the Organization’s goal and the Ambassador’s ethics.
– He/she does not pay the monthly membership fee for three consecutive months.
He/she fails to attend the General Assembly meetings for three consecutive months.
– Membership to the Organization terminates when the application to leave is submitted to by any member. Application to resign is examined in the earliest General Assembly meeting.
The said member of the Organization ceases automatically to be as such at the moment when:
– He/she has lost the civil reputation.
He/she passes away or loses the ability to act.

What is the CAA General Assembly?
The General Assembly is the highest Organization’s body which meets in its ordinary session not less than once a year.
The Assembly is summoned by the Board of Directors, the President, the Executive Director or 1/5th of the General Assembly members;
The Assembly can also meet on its own when the annual deadline ( one year) from its last meeting is over. This meeting is not valid if the very small number of participants does not allow decision making under the required majority as defined in its Statute.
The date for the General Assembly Meeting and its agenda are announced  not less than a month before the meeting day. Each member has a voting right. For the meeting and voting process it is also accepted the authorization provided by another member; the latter cannot represent more than two votes – his own and the one received through this authorization. The General Assembly meetings are chaired by the President or the Executive Director and in their absence by each person duly empowered  by them through an authorization.

What are the powers of the General Assembly?
The General Assembly elects the Board of Directors and the President.
Normally, decisions are taken through open voting, which can be realized even by proxy vote, video call or video conference.
It adopts the program and the Organization’s development plan as well as Statute amendments.
It adopts the Organization’s Internal Regulation.
It verifies the mandates of the members.
It monitors and inspects the activity of the Board of Directors, the President and Executive Director.
It makes analyses and adopts the financial statements and the budget for the next financial period. It defines the strategic actions, the Action Plan and the priority steps.

What are the duties of the Board of Directors?
The Board of Directors is the highest collective steering body which overviews the CAA daily activity. It takes its decisions by consensus or through voting. Voting is open.
The Board of Directors is made of at least 5 ( five) members who for their first term are appointed  by the founders. Afterwards, they are elected with a simple majority by the General Assembly. The term for the Board of Directors is five years.
The Board of Directors sets out the whole CAA strategy and its overall financial policy.
The Board of Directors has the following powers:
It meets at least once in three months. It is chaired by the President and, in his absence by the Executive Director. The Board of Directors takes decisions in its competence under this Statute with proposals from each member and every decision should receive the approval of the majority of its members.
The meetings of the Board of Directors are considered as valid when they are attended by over half of its members. In case of an equal number of votes, the President vote is decisive.
The Board meetings can be summoned by the President or by one Board members notifying the others at least a week prior to the meeting.
The Board of Directors may also meet urgently for other issues not mentioned in the statute at the request of a Board Member.
When a Board Member, for any reason whatsoever is not able to attend the said meeting, then the rules of representation through an authorization will be applicable.