Tirana, October 6th 2021
The Council of Albanian Ambassadors welcomes the Brdo EU-Western Balkans Summit, and its concluding statement.
EU’s unequivocal support for the European perspective of the WB region, as a mutual strategic interest and choice, remains a solid pillar of the contractual relationship established since the 2001 Götteborg Summit.
Whereas CAA encourages further mutual commitment to EU enlargement, recalls that communication and deliverables are vital for this process.
The EU has solidly become the region’s closest partner, main investor and principal donor, in line with the natural and strategic approach for the future of the Continent.
CAA welcomes further reinforcement of this approach with the ambitious Economic Investment Plan and the new Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans, tackling imminent challenges for our countries and peoples, such as economic depression and migration.
CAA appeals on the governments of the WB countries for a more pro-active approach in implementing more credible reforms, particularly in view of living up to their pledged commitment for European values and principles.
Welcoming the decision to organize regular EU-Western Balkan Summits, CAA encoureges EU member states for the swift opening of accession negotiations with Albania and Republic of North Macedonia, and granting Kosova a visa-free regime, same as all other countries in the region.
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